Fox’s new documentary: Hungary fighting for civilisation & against Soros – VIDEO

Do you think the portrait #Carlson presents is fair or biased? #dailynewshungary #hungary #tuckercarlson #migration #VIDEO #documentary #migration #FoxNews

“The main hunting ground of George Soros is here,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told American TV host Tucker Carlson in a report made in Hungary last summer by FOX, which was finally published on Wednesday. He describes Hungary as a “serious and modern” country.

Introducing Hungary as a conservative state

Carlson begins the 25-minute report, which is intended primarily for American viewers, by locating Hungary geographically. Then they talk about Hungarian history, explaining some important moments of the country’s history to the viewers, writes.

Carlson says that he noticed that Hungary was completely different from other countries at first glance: as he said, you could run into government advertisements at the airport, and he also mentions conservative graffiti – while a “f*ck liberals” graffiti can be seen in the background. He describes Hungarians as proud people.

Orban also got a detailed presentation in the film in which the prime minister is portrayed as a serious politician who was first responsible for the Russians’ withdrawal from the country in 1989. It is also mentioned that Orbán studied at Oxford with the support of Soros, but then it is noted that they later became enemies.

Carlson went to the southern border of Hungary

Of course, the fence on the country’s southern border plays a major role in the film. Carlson learned that Hungary is not a rich country, not even the richest in the region, yet it managed to build a border fence at the southern border relatively quickly.

According to Carlson, Hungary has been punished for excluding refugees, but Orbán is ready to fight the European Union. Carlson presented a direct shot of the fence, mainly showing what is also reported daily by the government media. Carlson’s crew also shows the process of returning newly caught illegal migrants to Serbia. (There is also a mistake made by Carlson when he says that migrants are sent back to Slovakia, says

We wrote several articles about the border situation already, here is one of the latest ones:

Family support

The film also features another well-known narrative of the government, from Katalin Novák: the former minister for families, now a presidential candidate, told Carlson that they wanted to curb population decline in Hungary not by importing children but by supporting families. Of course, Novák also reported on the generous support provided to families by the government, and the staff managed to find several families who would happily smile at the camera under Novák’s words. Finally, they also report on how good it is to live in Hungary thanks to the government.

Carlson also covered the 2022 parliamentary elections, which he described as a clash between Orbán and Soros, nationalism and globalism. In the film, Orbán also says that external forces are still interfering in the work of the Hungarian government.

Elections coming up

There will be parliamentary elections in Hungary in April 2022, here we wrote about the plans of the opposition:

Guardian interview: Márki-Zay’s plan to beat Orbán

One comment

  1. Soros is not hated in Hungary because he is Jewish. Soros is hated because he wants to settle Hungarian taxpayers with uneducated, socially undeveloped aliens. The higher the numbers of different ethnic population, it is easier to control the country.
    Leftist media keeps mentioning migrants, lets use the correct word “illegal migrants” and definitely not refugee. Hungary is surrounded by safe countries, each of the countries has a Hungarian Consulate. There is nothing to stop any of these illegal aliens to contact the Consulates and request permission to enter or travel through the country.

    Population of EU countries, the ordinary people, the taxpayers, do not support uncontrolled migration of uneducated people, some of those that are criminals. Soros’ monetary investment was definitely not made or is being made, for the benefit of any population but his own glorification.

    Mr. Carlson is perfectly correct in his depiction of the country. The people of Hungary want to be left alone, live with people that they wish to live with, with their democratically elected government. Foreign dictatorship is no longer accepted, whether by Soros, EU, or globalist whose only interest is to sap all profits and reduce the standard of living.

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