Hungary’s real estate market has seen remarkable growth in recent years—but what’s fuelling this surge, and who’s behind the buying spree? Check out our article to learn more!
Among the capitals of the post-Communist Central and Eastern Europen region, Budapest is the second poorest, following Zagreb. Meanwhile, Bucharest developed a lot. Why are the residents of Budapest considered poor?
#budapest #budapestpurchasepower #budapesteconomy #wage
Starting from the 1st of January 2025, Erzsébetváros residents will face a significant rise in parking fees! Read more about the reasons behind the decision and its potential impact here!
For years, PM Orbán has claimed that safety is a hallmark of Hungary, positioning it as one of the safest, if not the safest, countries in Europe.
#Orbán #safety #Europe
Foreign tourists boosted Hungarian tourism in the 2024 summer season:
Homeless census held in Budapest, sad results
Government programmes and lower interest rates were necessary to boost the volume of home construction, ÉVOSZ said.
#évosz #construction #housing #hungariangovernment
Three Hungarian universities made great strides in the rankings, with eleven Hungarian universities ending the year with a ranking.
#theranking #highereducation #hungarianuniversities #timeshighereducation
Hungarian fuel prices favourable?
#fuel #hungarianeconomy
Factory gate prices in Hungary rose in August, data released by the Central Statistics Office (KSH):
Which tourist destination has seen the biggest increase or decrease in visits? Hungary's guest nights in August - Find out here:
The number of births is decreasing gradually in Hungary.
#births #population #babies
Hungary is celebrating World Tourism Day after a record summer, Visit Hungary said on Friday.
#tourismhungary #hungarytourism
Do you want to work in Hungary? If you work here, do you like your job?
#hungarywork #labourmarkethungary
Is that good news?
#internetuse #statistics #hungaryinternet
Hungary's tourism sector is on the upturn, says minister. But a total Airbnb ban in Budapest could break that momentum, experts believe. What is your opinion? Should Budapest ban Airbnb?
#airbnb #budapestairbnb #hungarynews #tourism #hungarytourism #budapesttourism
PM Orbán said in his interview this morning that the Hungarian economy is growing, but the figures show something completely different:
Get a glimpse of the latest beer consumption statistics and some beer history below!
#beer #drink #alcohol #ranking
Many Hungarians reported being overweight and not entirely happy with their bodies.
#appearance #health #wellbeing
Good news for the Hungarian tourism.
#tourism #guestnight #budapest