Orbán cabinet: ‘Stop Soros’ would stop NGOs ‘using migration against state’

"The law package to be voted on in parliament after the April 8 election" #HungaryElection2018 #Fidesz #Hungary #Hungarian #ngo

The “Stop Soros” law package would ban organisations using migration against the state, a justice ministry official told public television on Saturday.

The law package, which is to be voted on in parliament after the April 8 election, would allow the review of the purpose and trail of foreign funding to NGOs operating in Hungary, state secretary Pál Völner said. The leaders of these NGOs could be investigated to see whether they have engaged in illegal data collection or otherwise broken the law. Their financial transactions could also be mapped, he said.

In operating NGOs, demand should also be considered, Völner said.

A large network is pointless “for causes like this one…. even if they are paid lavishly from the background”, he said.

The aim of the bill is to make sure that “efficient organisations of international renown” such as the Maltese Charity or the Red Cross can work in Hungary, and not to “make permits available to anyone”. There are, furthermore, organisations with the “side job” of lobbying against Hungary abroad, as it has recently been revealed, Völner added.

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