National Gallery searches for missing works by Pál Szinyei Merse

⚠️ Szinyei Wanted ⚠️

In search of missing works by Pál Szinyei Merse.

In 2020 the Hungarian National Gallery was commemorating the 175th anniversary of Pál Szinyei Merse’s birth and the centenary of his death. The memorial exhibition, which was planned for the anniversary but postponed to the beginning of 2021 due to the pandemic, seeks to present international parallels with the master’s art, using the findings of earlier research while exploring the stations of the Szinyei cult in the twentieth-century. The exhibition further attempts to clarify the artist’s hitherto relatively well-defined place in the history of Hungarian and universal art.

Thanks to the cult that was already developing in his lifetime, several monographs with fundamental statements were published on Szinyei during the twentieth century. The Hungarian National Gallery last presented his oeuvre at a large-scale exhibition in 1990, which was accompanied by an extensivemonograph (1990) by Anna Szinyei Merse, including a catalogue of the artist’s oeuvre.

Several pictures by Szinyei have emerged over the last thirty years that were previously known only from sources, but we are still aware of numerous works that exist somewhere, yet their whereabouts remain unknown.

The “wanted” list

Based on earlier, similar initiatives, it is the hope that one or more of the works reproduced here and evoked through their descriptions in monographs published in the past will emerge either in Hungary or abroad as the artist’s oeuvre will be enriched by any newly found work, whether it was well known or hitherto unknown.

If you have any information concerning these pictures or other paintings by Szinyei, please contact with the Hungarian National Gallery.

All details HERE.

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