Weapons and ammunition may have been misused at the University of Debrecen. The number of disciplinary offences has increased recently, and some of the cases are considered criminal offences, said Dean Géza Husi.
Criminal offence cases at the University of Debrecen
The President of the Student Council of the Faculty of Engineering, referring to the Dean, wrote that there have been several cases of criminal offences at the institution this year. Máté Bihari, President of the Student Council, informed the students on the Facebook page of the faculty’s Student Council on 2 June that Dean Géza Husi told him about the unfortunate situation.
Recently, the number of disciplinary offences has increased, and some of them are not just misdemeanours but criminal offences.
The letter of the President of the Student Council
“This year, there have already been cases of forgery of official documents, assault on a public official, misuse of ammunition, suspected misuse of a weapon, attempted fraudulent obtaining of an advantage during an examination and obtaining an advantage, presenting false claims as facts and taking advantage of them,”
wrote Máté Bihari, and asked the students to refrain from such actions, as the faculty management investigates all such cases and informs the police about the crimes or apparent incidents, Debreciner.hu writes.
Bihari added that actions which do not constitute a criminal offence but which are in breach of university rules are investigated by the Faculty Disciplinary Committee, which may decide to terminate the student’s academic status.
“I ask all my fellow students to be mindful of the physical and mental safety of their fellow students, and I ask you to respect the rules set by the above-mentioned bodies in order to cooperate peacefully”,
concludes the letter of the President of the Student Council dated 1 June.
The Facebook post was removed
Debreciner.hu contacted the press centre of the University of Debrecen about the letter, but they did not receive a reply. However, shortly afterwards, the letter was removed from the Facebook page of the faculty’s Student Council, so it can only be read in full in the article of Debreciner.hu.
Accidentally coming across this while doing my admission to the university of Debrecen through Stipendium Hungaricum, should I be worried. This post makes me feel a bit uneasy.
I hope that everything has been resolved, and thanks for addressing real world problems a country or a university might face.
I wish everyone for a more safer environment!