The number of Hungarians living in #Germany has increased dynamically, according to German statistical office ‘Destatis’. Although not Hungarians are the most common nationality to immigrate to Germany, there is an increasing number of them each year, about 20 thousand. According to statistics, even more Hungarian citizens will settle down in Germany. wrote an article with the title ‘every 51th immigrant in Germany is Hungarian and Bavaria is their favourite’. This means that 0.3 percent of Germany’s population today is from Hungary, and in 2017 there are 3.4 times more of them, than in 2010. Although we have already written about German labour market’s slow down in 2017, the number of emigrants are constantly growing each year, only with less volume.
In 2010, nine years ago, 68,892 Hungarians lived in Germany, this number increased to 178,221 in 2015, and the latest statistics for 2017 are counting 207,035 Hungarians in the country.
There are also statistical proofs that many are not planning to move back home. 97 percent among those, who moved to Germany in the late 2000’s are still living there up to this time. 92 percent of those ten thousand Hungarians who settled down in 2007-2009 are still there and 91 percent of those twenty one thousand Hungarian people who moved in 2009-2011 are also living in Germany even now. Diagrams also show on’s article that the ratio of Hungarians in Germany for eight or more years are lower because one can receive citizenship after 8 years of German residency.
It needs to be added that the number of those who are currently living in Germany are probably higher, because of non-registered workers and residents.
Unfortunately, some demographical facts and data must hit shockingly about ‘Hungarians of Germany’.
Firstly, the Hungarian population of Bavaria (73 thousand) is higher than Hungarian city Szolnok (71 thousand). Secondly, more Hungarians live in Germany, than in Hungary’s second biggest city by population, Debrecen.
The article of mentions that although there are many of us living in Germany, the majority of Hungarian citizens are concentrated in two states: Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg (59%), the third most popular German state is North Rhine-Westphalia (11%).
Main causes of immigration is better living standards, higher wages in many profession, also in healthcare.
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