Hungarian Foreign Ministry: Poroshenko Backing Reinforces Legitimacy Of Ukrainian Power-Holders

(MTI) – Clear and convincing support for Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine’s newly elected president, has reinforced the legitimacy of the holders of power in Kiev, a Hungarian foreign affairs official said on Monday.

Assessing Sunday’s presidential election, Zsolt Nemeth, Hungary’s parliamentary state secretary of foreign affairs, welcomed the high turnout and that all observers had found the vote to be free and fair.

Hungary continues to support Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and stability, as well as it push to further strengthen its democracy, he said.

Nemeth voiced hope that, in a move to strengthen Ukraine’s democratic nature, the agreement concluded between Poroshenko and Laszlo Brenzovics, leader of the Hungarian Cultural Federation of Transcarpathia, would be implemented quickly.

The accord envisages expanding the rights of the ethnic Hungarian community living in Transcarpathia. Poroshenko promised to help guarantee the community’s right to use its mother tongue, develop the Hungarian school system and consider the minority’s interests when reforming Ukraine’s regional administration.

Nemeth regretted that the election had been hindered in the eastern Donetsk and Lugansk regions but he added that the turnout had been considerable “even amidst the atmosphere of intimidation,” and the few isolated incidents had not influenced the outcome of the election.


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