Gyurcsany proposes suspending home policy skirmishes

Budapest (MTI) – Ferenc Gyurcsany, leader of the opposition Democratic Forum (DK), on Saturday proposed suspending home policy skirmishes for a few days after the Paris terror attacks.

Apart from mourning the victims, Parliament should pass no political decisions and hold no political debates early next week, he said.

“Europe, the residents of Paris and all of us were exposed to heinous and murderous attacks. The drama and tragedy of Paris is our drama, our tragedy,” he said.

France and Europe, however, are strong enough not to let themselves intimidated and not to let “the attacks committed by a couple of mad fanatics” annihilate the very foundations of its present order, he said.

Gyurcsany said that Europe should not respond to hatred with hatred. “This attack should be repelled, but Europe should demonstrate that it remains the home of freedom, fairness, human dignity and honour.”

Photo: MTI

One comment

  1. Ya right, another first, ‘Suspend home policy skirmishes’! Ya go back to bed with your milk and cookies and see if you can come up with something that doesn’t attack our tax payer/ government/ practical movement forward. For you the DK party, stay in bed!

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