Gmail gives free hosting

On the occasion of Safer Internet Day Google gives 2 GB free hosting for every Gmail user who is willing to perform the safety checks of their account, which lasts about 3 minutes, told. shows how to get 2 gigabytes in the cloud in 6 easy steps.

  1. Click on this link.
  2. Log in to Gmail.
  3. Perform safety check; if you would like to, you can add a backup email address and phone number, but it is not mandatory.
  4. Check the devices connected to the account. If everything is good, click on Looks good.
  5. The system checks the applications connected to the profile. Nothing special, click on Done.
  6. If everything is okay, click on Continue to account settings.

And it is done. The free hosting does not appear immediately, it requires a couple of minutes until Google acknowledges the update. But if you look at your space on Google Drive, dragging the mouse to the pie chart, you will see the 2 GB extra hosting for the security settings, reported.

Copy editor: bm

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