Must, wine, friends and tradition! Picnic Wine Campus, exquisite local and guest winemakers, treasures of local gardens, home-made food, cultural and children’s programs, artisan fair: János Csík and his friends, Bahorka Company, Lili Péterffy, the Cimbaliband and the Meszecsinka!
1 – Picnic Park
“Pónilovi” horseriding for kids.
Traditional playground
Bread with aubergine and ’zakuszka’ cream, deer stew in red wine sauce with croquette and blueberry jam, catfish stew with ‘túróscsusza’
3 – Estate Gradowski
Wine selection of Gradowski Estate from Szekszárd-Görögszó
Classic and novelty dishes from the grill
4 – Estate and Cellar of Garaguly: Károly Áts (Mád), Géza Balla’s Cellar (Arad-hegyalja)
“Pinceváltó Állomás” Cellar Relay – wine and gastronomy related team game. Registration on spot.
5 – Cellar Milán – Cabin Zalán
“Palóc” soup, Gyula papa’s bean soup, bread with goose greaves and greaves paste
Somló sponge cake, honey cake, syrups, jams and palinka
Quail Ranch Hartai
6 – Courtyard of Transylvanian Flavours
Roundel stuffed with chicken or lamb, game specialities, Transylvanian meech
Transylvanian cheese and wine from Etyek, choclate, coffee and lemonade
7 – Estate champagnecellar
Champers, wine, spritzer and must
Two grapes talking next to the railway.
– Do we really have to cross?
– We MUST.
8 – Árpás Laci Ham Master’s Cellar: Cellar Günzer Tamás (Villány), Wine Estate Laposa (Badacsony)
Attila Ásós plays his songs
Gourmet hams special meats and Southern Hungarian food
Honey from Etyek , Chilion, Goat Farm from Váli Valley
Fanni’s Patches, Sápi handcrafted fruitwines
9 – Cellar Halmi
House wines, wine spirits, artisan syrups, home-made cakes and marmalades
Madzag & Csomó: sailing inspired jewellery
ART HEKK: Balaton inspired kinky artifacts
Noll Ranch Lavender Manufacture
10 – Cellar Takáts
Wonders from the grill
M’am Anikó’s cakes and home-made jam crépes
11 – Cellar Szent Orbán: Estate Rókusfalvy (Etyek)
Tasting of Rókusfalvy wines
Valaha Farm: Tasting of home-made syrups
12 – Cellar Zarándok
“Pinceváltó Állomás” Cellar Relay – registration point
13 – Cellar Kácsor „Kíra”
Wines from Etyek, bread with goose greaves and home-made strudels
Etyek Beer Manufacture
14 – Cellar tátrai
15 – Rezeda Terrace: Cellar Anonym – Áron Szövényi and family (Etyek)
Street food Etyek
“Pinceváltó Állomás” Cellar Relay – registration point
Garden Stage:
14:00 óra Péterffy Lili – singer
16:00 óra My Way – ’A musical story by ourselves’ a production by Gergely Káli and Antal Farkas – music theater
18:00 óra Evening fun provided by Bence Csak
11:00 óra Rezeda Dancehouse (Hungarian Folk Dance) led by FRICI and friends
15:00 óra Music by the winner of Rezeda Minifestival
16 – Cellar Etyekvin:
Cellar-stew, grilled meat from Etyek
ÉDENKERT Group Artisan Fair
Csinta – Aloha (dried fruits)
10 am – 3 pm Radio Rock live programme
9 pm Áron Kovács and the Káosz Brigád live concert, guest artist Csaba Takács.
17 – Cellar Berényi – Family Cellar Orosz Gyula (Etyek), Cellar Vabrik (Etyek)
“Pinceváltó Állomás” Cellar Relay – wine and gastronomy related team game. Registration on spot.
STELÁZSI – unforgettable syrups and goodies
18 – Cellar Dvorák
Countryside flavours: “Dvorák” pepperpot with egg barley, tripestew, sausage, barbecue and trifle
19 – Debreczeni – Ferenczi Family Winery (Szekszárd)
Barbecue and home-made strudel under the walnut trees
10:30 am – 1:30 pm Zoltán Janota, accordion
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Zoltán Dudás, guitar – Vineyard mood
5 pm – 9 pm Schwab’N’Roll Band – outdoor dance party
12:30 am – 3:30 pm Zoltán Dudás, guitar – Vineyard mood
4 pm – 8 pm Retro Moss Band – Dance party in the garden
Both days, 11 am – 3 pm Outdoor children’s programs
20 – Etyeki Sajtútállomás (Cheese station)
Interactive cheese- and butter-making, cheese specialities and cottage-cheese desserts
Etyeki Czimeres Pálinka
Etyeki Gezemice bread- ’lángos’
21 – Press House Fonó
1 pm János Csík and his friends
3 pm Bahorka Company
1 pm Cimbaliband
3 pm Meszecsinka
22 – Estate Rókusfalvy: Cellar Szatmári Family (Szigliget)
10 am Cooking contest (judging at 2 pm)
11 am ’Glass in hand’ special guided cellar-tour with wine tasting in every hour
12 am Picnic Wine Campus: Take part in our training for free, where you can be introduced to the basics of four wine styles and balanced tasting with the guidence of the leading experts of the Picnic Wine Campus’ Information and entry:
From the garden of Konrád Kriszti: syrups, dried products and flowers
Kaszás ragout, letcho, tócsni from the kitchen of Gastrohungarorum
Auntie Kató’s Chimney Cake
“Pinceváltó Állomás” Cellar Relay – registration point
23 – Estate Gombai
Demonstration of sparkling wine making.
Have a glass of Champers while relaxing under the sun next to the vines!
24 – Korda MoviePark
On Saturday: stuntman show
Good to know
How to pay – There is no entry ticket for Etyeki Piknik. All programs are free to attend. We are not implementing any NFC based card system; all products may be purchased with cash.
Picnic Wine Campus – Take part in our training for free, where you can be introduced to the basics of four wine styles and balanced tasting with the guidence of the leading experts of the Picnic Wine Campus’ Information and entry:
Transfer – Buses with 760 marks leave from Kelenföldi pályaudvar every hour (according to regular schedule), which will be supplemented with extra rides in case of higher demand. Full price return tickets are 1.120,- Ft for „Etyek, autóbusz-forduló” station. The usual discounts at Volánbusz may be used with valid documentation. (e.g. student ID). For detailed schedule please visit
Between 9 am and 7 pm the Újhegy road will be closed and no motorist traffic will be allowed.
Official merchandise of Etyeki Piknik may be purchased at the information tents:
Tasting glass – 1000 Ft/piece
T-shirt – 1800 Ft/piece
Piknik Blanket – 2500 Ft/piece
Tasting glass may not be returned!
Opening hours of information tents: 10:00 – 18:00
Photo, video and personal rights
Dear Guests,
Please, note that the Etyek Picnic is a public event and that is why photos and videos can taken on it and it can appear in public media. As organizers we make photo documentation as well which we can use our own channels like website, Facebook or press releases.
If you have any problem about our photos you can report itt o Tamás Mák on e-mail address. Thank you very much for your attention!