Election 2018 – Jobbik presents its EU package

The Jobbik-led #government would appoint a Deputy Prime Minister in charge of #EU affairs to work on these relations 24/7 #Hungary #Hungarian #HungaryElections2018

In his press conference, Jobbik’s Candidate for Prime Minister Gábor Vona presented the party’s Europe package. The politician presented a programme comprising six elements. As the first step, he indicated changing Hungary’s attitude towards the EU: while left-wing governments adopted a subservient policy, Fidesz decided to quarrel permanently. In contrast, Jobbik stands for constructive debates and the representation of Hungary’s interests, he said.

In order to do so, the Jobbik-led government would appoint a Deputy Prime Minister in charge of EU affairs to work on these relations 24/7.

Mr Vona noted that a European consultation had been launched recently and it could determine the future of the EU for decades to come. Viktor Orbán has already declined participating in this process. However, Mr Vona stated, if Jobbik gets into government, then Hungary will join this consultation and struggle for a strong and fair Europe which is built on a multitude of nations, i.e., it is not based on the United States of Europe concept.

The issue of the wage union is also important: launched by Eastern Central European countries, this initiative aims to help these member states benefit from the EU’s economic growth and to allow citizens to get out of their wage slave status.

Mr Vona emphasized that Hungarian wages were just one quarter of German wages at the moment, even though eastern citizens had to pay just as much or even more for commodities.

If Jobbik gets into government, it will immediately inform Brussels about its position on migration: the border fence will stay and a border guard service will be set up; also, Jobbik rejects both the global migrant allocation quota suggested by Orbán and the mandatory quota of Brussels.

The sixth unit of the package refers to supporting the self-governance and autonomy efforts of Hungarian communities living in the neighbouring countries. In Mr Vona’s view, Fidesz tends to stand for these efforts in closed meetings but when it comes to international forums, Fidesz has never been brave enough to voice its opinion on this matter. Jobbik would immediately put this issue on the EU’s agenda, especially because the necessary statements of support have already been submitted for the European Citizens’ Initiative called Minority Safepack.

featured image: MTI

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