‘Dreaming Waters’ photo exhibition opened in Budapest

The #photos depict a variety of shapes, forms and physical states #water can appear in, along with other phenomena related to water #Hungary #Budapest #exhibition

President János Áder opened a photo exhibition entitled “Dreaming Waters” at Budapest’s Hungarian Museum of Natural Sciences on Friday.

In his opening address, the president said the exhibition and album of János Vizur and Tibor Kercz’s photos portray “the mystery of water”.

“Through the photos we can sense the infiniteness emanating from the quiet of the ocean, the mighty power contained in its humming, the bluish whiteness of the abstract formations of the polar ices and the impressionist magic of the light and shade reflecting on the water surface,” Áder said.

Zoltán Korsós, director of the museum, said the photos depict a variety of shapes, forms and physical states water can appear in, along with other phenomena related to water.

Featured image: MTI

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