The District Prosecution Office of Kaposvár has charged a British woman in her fifties with possession of a significant amount of marijuana. She was growing large quantities of the illegal plant in her garden.
Telex writes that according to the indictment, the British woman settled in a village near Kaposvár in the mid-2010s. Her house also had a large garden area. Over time, the accused acquired an unspecified number of cannabis seeds with high level of active drug ingredients, which she planted in her backyard and cultivated for her consumption.
Permaculture with a twist
The information about the cultivation reached the police in Kaposvár in September 2022. The police went to the woman’s house, where they found ornamental plants, medicinal plants, herbs, and plants of the original native flora. She was following a set of principles in her garden in accordance with the permaculture approach. The investigators discovered more than 100 hemp hybrid plants in various stages of development among the plants. These, according to the findings on the spot, were cultivated in a continuous, rotational pattern.
The outcome
Investigators seized a significant quantity of the marijuana plants, which were considered drugs, at the scene. The prosecutor’s office submitted an indictment to the District Court of Kaposvár, in which it proposed that the woman should be sentenced to prison and banned from public office.
Today, drug possession is one of the most common offences. Hungarian law makes no distinction between light and hard drugs. However, the level of the penalty depends on the amount of drugs found. In the case of growing marijuana, 5 plants of hemp are considered a small quantity. Above this amount, the court will carefully examine whether the intention of selling the drug can be inferred.
The following photos were taken by the policemen during the search in the accused’s garden:

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I think it’s ridiculous to criminalize people for growing a frikken’ plant but I also think it’s ridiculous to smoke pot. So many people do it that it’s NOT smoking it that’s rebellious and counter-revolutionary. Besides, if you need to introduce a substance into your body that alters your perception of the reality, it’s a pretty pathetic life you lead. Doesn’t exactly scream “I’m a winner,” does it now… And that’s before we even get to the fact that smoking weed contributes significantly to developing various mental illnesses, foremost schizophrenia, especially among adolescents. Look at many violent crimes, including terrorism in the West, and you’ll find that the perpetrator was a dopehead. Of course, the Big Dope industry is successfully convincing people and governments that marijuana is “harmless” and, well, money talks. And no, “medical marijuana” does not mean rolling up the leaves shown in these pictures, lighting them up, and smoking them. Medical marijuana requires extraction of a specific substance from the plant.
Victimless crime; those plants hardly look like a flourishing (commercial) crop?
Hypocrisy by conservatives who condone or actively promote commercial tobacco and alcohol (abuse) which harm too many people, need illegal cannabis to deflect from major health issue across society and claim it’s a ‘lefty’ thing?
I never understood the bloody duplicity. Either make smoking which doesn’t even have a “fun” or any enjoyable aspects (other that getting rid of your craving) illegal, along with alcohol that is tasty but when overdone you possibly rape, hit people or you become a victim, if severly overdone, you become not just a mess, but a burden (or potentially abuser) on everyone. Or just bloody let people have fun and trust that most of us don’t overdo any of it. I tried weed 3 times, used a pipe once, cigarettes… maybe 10? And I’ve been drunk 2 times (wish it was 0, terrible experiences). I occasionally drink a little. Nothing wrong with any of that. If I would be doing weed like once a month or once in two months, I would totally plant one. Why? Cause I don’t trust drug sellers, since it’s not regulated/checked by the state. I would happily pay taxes after weed if I knew it was coming from a safe source, and nobody mixed actual, real, hardcore drugs in it… right now the only safe way is if you plant it for yourself.
Consuming weed, a natural substance with medicinal properties is a victimless crime. Come on Hungary, this is the 21st century and many nations have ended the senseless attack on a plant and its users . Legalize cannabis, tax it and find real criminals to go after with your limited resources.