Janka Lakosi

Janka Lakosi

The story of the largest elephant

In 1954 Jose (Joseph) Fenykovi (in Hungarian: Fénykövi) found the tracks of the largest animal ever existed in the world, in the mud by a lake in the jungles of Angola. It belonged to a remarkably big elephant. Joseph Fenykovi,…

Hungarian film in the Oscar finals

Hungarian short film Sing successfully overcame another obstacle on its way to the Academy Awards gala. Kristóf Deák’s film got onto the top-ten list and the five best movies will be chosen out of these ten next year. There has been no…

Kills on Wheels in the American cinemas

Kills on Wheels, which competes for next years’ Academy Award premiers in early spring in the American cinemas, the distribution rights were bought by Kino Lorber – reports mno.hu. Attila Till’s film, Kills on Wheels runs for next years’ Academy…

Budapest 2024 applauded by international press

Budapest Kossuth tér square

The international press wrote about Budapest applying for the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics as “the perfect alternative of the megalopolises” on Wednesday.  The conceptions were introduced via presentations and films at the general meeting of the Association of National Olympic Committees on…

Will Budapest ever be a smart city?

Is it a realistic expectation to have more and more self-driving cars in the streets of Budapest? – one of the main questions at Smart City Hungary 2016 conference, organized by Napi.hu and Noguchi Porter Novelli. More and more car…

A film about the deported ballet-dancers

Linda Dombrovszky’s Ballerinas shows the ruined carrier of the Kolozs twins, the once world famous ballet-dancers. The movie can be seen at the 13th Verzió International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival on the 12th November in Toldi Cinema, Budapest, writes…

Hungarian success: NNG system used by Ford

A navigation system developed by NNG and customized for Ford’s needs is used in three new Ford models in 50 countries of the seven regions in the world, reports Napi.hu. According to the announcement, the first Ford Explorer, Expedition and Mustang…