POLITICO: Hungary to lose important Brussels position

What are your thoughts on Hungary's future position in Brussels?

Brussels’ displeasure with Hungarian politics may result in a reduced role for the country in the European Commission. Diplomats suggest the Hungarian government could lose a significant position due to its policy towards Ukraine.

“Fed up with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s constant obstructionism on Ukraine, his fellow EU leaders plan to punish him by giving his country a weak portfolio in the next European Commission,” POLITICO writes, citing three diplomats who requested anonymity.

Hungary to lose important position in Brussels?

According to the sources, EU officials in Brussels are dissatisfied with Viktor Orbán’s close political relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and European leaders “are increasingly exasperated with [Orbán’s] foot-dragging on sanctions and his opposition to delivering funds to Kyiv.”

The diplomats also told POLITICO that EU officials “have no appetite for” Olivér Várhelyi, European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement from Hungary. The Commissioner plays a significant role in discussions about Ukraine’s and Balkan states’ accession to the EU, which is problematic because, as the diplomats note, Hungary has been openly and consistently attempting to halt the accession talks and block aid to Ukraine.

Moreover, Várhelyi has been accused of creating confusion regarding the recent controversial “foreign agent” law in Georgia, which was criticised for targeting civil society groups, activists, NGOs, and opposition media outlets.

“There is hardly ‘even a question’ of Hungary being allowed to keep control of any powerful brief.”

– said one envoy about the situation, adding, “After the disaster this time round with Várhelyi and the way Orbán is taking on [Commission President Ursula] von der Leyen, there is no way she will hand over anything important to someone close to him.”

The next president of the European Commission and the governments decide together who will hold the post in the future. Nonetheless, POLITICO writes that Hungary “remains hopeful Vásárhelyi will stay in his post.”

Várhelyi’s appointment backfired for Brussels, envoy says

As POLITICO highlights, Várhelyi’s appointment in 2019 was regarded as a peace offering from Brussels to try to appease the Hungarian government regarding its increasing Euroscepticism. The paper compares the appointment to how the United Kingdom – at a time when it was becoming more and more anti-EU and David Cameron had put the Brexit referendum in prospect – was handed important economic roles within the Union.

Now, it seems, Várhelyi’s position is severely limiting the decision-making capabilities of the organisation. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis, for example, told POLITICO that Hungary is the chief reason why Brussels cannot articulate a coherent stance on Gaza and Russia, saying:

“Almost all of our discussions and needed solutions and decisions by [the] EU are being blocked by just one country.”

Neither Várhelyi’s office nor the Hungarian Foreign Ministry responded to POLITICO’s requests for comment on the statements of the diplomats.

Hungary will take over the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union and will hold it until 31 December.

Read also:

  • Hungarian government says EU politicians want to take young people to the Ukrainian front – HERE
  • Minister: PM Orbán will be a ‘fair mediator’ during Hungary’s EU presidency – Read HERE


  1. Every country should have its say as a member. But clearly very often it is a vote of 26 to 1. To say the single holdout is the one that is always right is eerily trumpian. Hungary has not won a war in a very, very long time. Often because it was on the wrong side. Could this be a similar situation now!?

  2. Of course. Total, slavish conformity, even when it painfully hurts you… – or else. Where did we see this before, I wonder… The E.U. is fast approaching its expiration date.

  3. "We can't Solve today's problems, with the Mentality that Created them " - Albert Einstein :

    Is not Hungary self imploding ?
    Is not Hungary “expelling” it-self out of the European Union ?
    Is not Hungary “expelling” it-self out of N.A.T.O. ?
    Is not Hungary eradicating removing DEMOCRACY from it’s “supposed” practice in being a DEMOCRACY ?
    Is not Hungary re-establishing it-self as a country under Communistic Law ?
    Is not Hungary “moving” rapidly to-wards being a Dictatorship ?
    Is not Hungary Void of any relationship(s) with country’s that are Democracy’s ?
    Is not the Economy of Hungary, in a state of near Collapse ?
    Is Hungary “worried” they have NO money to INVEST into the NEEDS of the daily lives of Hungarians – Education, Hospitals etc etc ?
    Is Hungary “worried” having the highest INTEREST rate of any of the “other” members 26 of European Union Country’s ?
    Is Hungary “worried” in its OVERALL rating of number 26 of the 27 Member country’s of the European Union ?
    Is Hungary “worried” that it’s 27 per cent VAT, highest of the European Union – is adding to COMPOUNDING it’s Economic MESS ?
    Is Hungary “worried” that it can’t build Capital in it’s FLAWED economic procedures ?
    Is Hungary “worried” that investment from the West has DRIED up and will WORSEN ?
    Is Hungary “worried” of its DEBT exposure – it’s ability to meet the monetary SERVICE of it’s Debts ?
    Is Hungary “worried” with the accelerated pace – the collapse of it’s Infrastructure ?
    Is Hungary “worried” as to it’s AGEING Population and deaths to new born ratio’s EACH month, in particular the 14 years of Fidesz ?
    Is Hungary “worried” of the people citizen numbers MOVING leaving Hungary ?
    Is Hungary “worried” that the Forint remains under humongous pressure that will see it further De-Valued against the Euro ?
    What of Hungary’s relationship with :
    (1) The United States of America. and secondly :
    (2) – Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
    Are NOT Hungary worried there is thinness or of NO workable relationships with these (2) two country’s ?
    Does Hungary believe it CAN stand alone – survive alone with just Friendships and Relationships with China and Russia ?
    On what basic’s can there be SUSTAINABILITY introduced into the Hungarian Economic & Financial picture to avoid it’s COLLAPSE ?

    Hungarians, in city’s, towns, villages and shanties – throughout the width and breath of Hungary, from whatever “station in life” you come or occupy, if you don’t understand basically the questions I ask in this commentary, seek someone, from wherever and get your heads around the FACT, that we Hungary, are on the BRINK of a gargantuan cataclysmic COLLAPSE – just not Economically & Financially, but in ALL categories, the COMPONENTRY – that make up, are the COMPOSITION of a 21st century country.
    Hungary – we are TROUBLED and it WORSENS.
    WHO is REASPONSIBLE for DELIVERING us Hungary, to FACTUALLY be in this “sickly” state/place as a country ?
    It comes back to the Fidesz Government of Hungary, under it’s leader, the present Prime Minister of Hungary.
    THEY have FAILED us.

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