Shocking! Young girl sexually harassed and beaten with a hammer, father raped 6yo daughter

Luckily, these cases reached the court, and justice was served! #dailynewshungary #abuse

Recently, the number of sexual and other, abusive crimes have increased. Many victims are terrified after the events, and some never even tell the authorities what had happened.

Parents abused their children in Győr, first physically and later sexually

According to the judgment of the court of Győr, four girls, born from the marriage of a man and a woman between 2000 and 2012, were brought up together, living in the same household. From 2006 onwards, there were more and more quarrels between the man and the woman, often lasting into the night, which the children had to listen through.

The older girls had to do almost all the housework and take care of their younger siblings. Many times, the chores at home went to the expense of their learning.

It also happened that the father beat his older daughters with a wooden spoon, strap or fishing rod, writes

The 15-year-old child had to endure strangulation by the father several times, and the 16-year-old eldest daughter was grounded on several occasions, sometimes for weeks.

In 2015, the man also raped his then 14-year-old daughter, and in 2016, his 6-year-old daughter. The children could not count on help from their mother.

Prosecution says the punishment is too lenient

The Győr Court sentenced the man to 14 years in prison, banned him from public affairs for 10 years, and has definitively prohibited the pursuit of any occupation connected to the education, supervision, care or medical treatment of a person under the age of 18.

The court terminated his parental custody in the case of the two youngest daughters. The mother was sentenced to 1 year and 4 months in prison for child endangerment, suspended for 3 years.

Teenagers beat a young girl with a hammer and sexually harassed her at the Aszód Reformatory School

Three teenagers are suspected of having beaten another teenager with a hammer, and then one of them forced her to sexually satisfy him. On March 18, 2022, the Buda Regional District Court ordered the arrest of the three teenagers who were involved in the case, says

The young girl of the Aszód Reformatory School reported the abuse to her educator. She said the three young suspects were beating her regularly.

The doctors confirmed the injuries

The physical aggression was also confirmed by medical examination, skull bruises and spinal sprains were found, and a number of injuries were visible on the victim’s body.

In addition to the physical abuse, the victim also reported sexual abuse, during which one of the juvenile suspects called her into the bedroom.

There, he told her that if she caused him sexual pleasure, the abuse would end. The juvenile suspect confessed to the crime he was charged with.

The investigating judge of the Buda Regional District Court ordered the arrest of all three of them.

One comment

  1. Not such a surprise that the victim’s abuser was her father. In the University of Debrecen’s study, ‘The sexual abuse of female children in Hungary: 20 years’ experience’ it was found that “The perpetrator knew the victim in 67% of the cases and was a stranger in 33%. Seventy five (28%) perpetrators were members of the victims’ families. In 14% of cases, the perpetrator was the victim’s father and in 9% her stepfather. The abuse had occurred on multiple occasions in 29% of the cases. The occurrence rate of abuse was highest in the summer season (54%).” Further, a UNICEF report stated “that Hungary has one of the worst child abuse records amongst industrialised nations. Every second week a child dies in Hungary because of abuse or maltreatment.”

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