Hungary became the centre of petrol tourism, price cap to stay?

Do you find this measure by the government fair or unfair? #Hungary #Hungarian #Slovakia #Poland #dailynewshungary #petrol

Due to the more favourable fuel prices created because of the price cap, more and more people from Slovakia are refuelling in Hungary, writes Új Szó, a Hungarian-language daily newspaper in Slovakia. According to the article, fuel prices in Slovakia have risen dramatically recently.

Prices much cheaper in Hungary than in Slovakia

The average price of a litre of Diesel has been around €1.43 in recent days, compared to €1.53 for 95 petrol. However, this is only the average, so the price of 95 petrol at the stations of larger petrol station networks, for example, is 1.55 euros. In Hungary, on the other hand, the price cap for 95 petrol was set at HUF 480 per litre, which roughly corresponds to 1.36 euros, says Thus, refuelling in Hungary can save up to 15-20 euros.

The price cap will stay until February 15, still unknown what comes after

With parliamentary elections taking place in Hungary in April this year, many say the government is likely to extend the petrol price cap, risking too much if it did not do so because prices would increase in Hungary right away. With the end of the price cap, the price of petrol in Hungary could reach 520, even around 530 forints (EUR 1.5).

For now, it is worth taking petrol to Slovakia

However, according to Új Szó, many are not satisfied by simply filling up their car’s tank. In recent days, more and more people have come to Hungary with a trailer fitted after their car, procuring several barrels of fuel at a time.

Spokeswoman Martina Rybanská warned that up to 10 litres of fuel could be imported into Slovakia duty-free from another EU country.

Anyone wishing to enter a larger quantity must file a tax return

According to her, it is not worth cheating because, if the person cannot prove with at least one receipt where they got the fuel outside the fuel tank from, they can expect a penalty of between 100 euros and 100 thousand euros, depending on the amount of fuel taken, of course. And those who fail to file a tax return will be fined between €30 and €16,000 by the customs office.

Read also: Fuel prices to skyrocket if the government abolishes price cap in February

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