Migrants are attacking the border more and more violently – VIDEO

Migrants throw logs and twigs at the police at the Serbian–Hungarian border fence #Hungary #police #border #DailyNewsHungary

Migrants started to throw logs and twigs at the police at the Serbian–Hungarian border fence.

More and more violence

“Migrants are getting more and more violent,” writes the Hungarian Government’s Facebook page. The video can be found below.

Migrants started to throw logs and twigs at the police at the border, says mandiner.hu.

“Our border is under constant pressure,” György Bakondi, the prime minister’s chief security officer, said so on Saturday, after publishing the video of several young men attacking border guards.


Statements like “migrants are never aggressive” are simply not true, according to György Bakondi, and the videos clearly confirm that saying things like “I have never heard of a person who has been harmed” simply do not reflect the truth. According to Bakondi, “Our sons, who defend Hungary’s sovereignty, face this aggression every day.”

He says that the Hungarian government made the right decision in 2015 when they decided to resist the influx of migrants and prevented the entry of hundreds of thousands of immigrants. He added that more than 10.5 thousand illegal border crossings have been prevented just in the last year.

According to him, “it is very difficult to imagine that it is legal for these people to claim they are refugees, seek asylum, and, in the context of this, demonstrate such aggressive behaviour,” in order to be declared a refugee.

Two weeks ago, they saw armed migrants

“SHOCKING: Armed migrants on the Hungarian border!” – László Toroczkai, President of the Mi Hazánk Mozgalom (Our Country Movement), published a video with said title on his Facebook page. The video shows people climbing over a fence, one of them holding a rifle in his hand. According to Toroczkai, this video was made on the southern border at Ásotthalom where he is the mayor.

The local mayor tries to resist

“HUNTING ON THE BORDER AFTER THE ATTACKS” – Toroczkai showed and described in detail how the field guards work “during deployment”. They appear to be looking for traces of illegal migrants in the woods at night, armed, and the municipal surveillance camera system is also used for this purpose. It is claimed the field guards have been performing this task for years, and thousands of people have been captured.

The border fence on Fox News

We wrote only a few days ago that Tucker Carlson, a reporter of Fox News, travelled to Hungary to visit the fence on the Serbian–Hungarian border, and he also made a report on the ‘migrant situation’ there. Carlson learned that Hungary is not a rich country, not even the richest in the region, yet it managed to build a border fence at the southern border relatively quickly. Carlson presented a direct shot of the fence, mainly showing what is also reported daily by the government media. Carlson’s crew also shows the process of returning newly caught illegal migrants to Serbia.

Here is the article we wrote about Carlson’s visit:


  1. The criminal behavior of the aliens is unacceptable. They should all be jailed or deported to their home countries. There should be no more free rides in the EU.

  2. First off all I would like to congratulate Mr. Orban for his excellent work in protecting Europe. He has ahead of the crowd, building the security wall. At that time he didn’t have much support, but now many countries are following his actions.

    For the criminals on the border, bring a few fire trucks, and give them a long shower in this nice warm summer weather.


  3. The army and border police should be authorised to use deadly force if necessary. These criminals must not be allowed to enter the territory of Hungary at any cost.

  4. YOU don’t see idiots accusing orban now. If it were men turning to women you will see them jumping up to criticize him. Orban is a good man like Trump the left are crazy people. They always commit suicide

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