Szilveszter Csollány was against the vaccine for a very long time. Eventually, because of his work in Austria, he was required to obtain ‘protection’, so, finally, in November 2021, he changed his mind.
Researcher Dr Tamás Letoha stated that his GP had informed him that Csollány had received the Janssen vaccine two weeks before he was hospitalised, but he was probably already ill at that point, said
Possible lung transplant
Since the coronavirus destroyed his body, Csollány was waiting for a lung transplant. Unfortunately, it was not possible to perform the procedure on the former Olympic champion. After nearly two months of fighting, on Monday, the coronavirus defeated his body. The athlete was transported to the hospital in early December. First, he was put on a ventilator, and then, since it was still not possible to get enough oxygen into his body, he received treatment for lung surgery.
This was our first article about him being hospitalised:
According to the information of, Csollány’s lungs were so damaged because of Covid that it quickly became clear that a transplant would be necessary.
He was on the waiting list
“As a result of the coronavirus infection, the patient developed end-stage lung destruction and was placed on Eurotransplant’s emergency waiting list,” said Dr Ferenc Rényi-Vámos. “At the international level, a small number of lung transplants have been required so far due to the coronavirus disease, and this was the first such case in Hungary.”
Unfortunately, Csollány’s condition did not allow the transplant to be performed, and his body eventually gave up the fight.
He got up several times after being knocked down
Csollány was a celebrated hero, but his private life was not just about huge successes. The Olympic, World, and European Champion gymnast had to face several obstacles.
“I, too, thought it would be a lot easier after I won the Olympics, and then I soon realised that I still had to fight for everything,” he confessed in an interview years ago.
Despite the Olympic annuity, he had to struggle to make ends meet after taking out a Swiss franc-based, insurance-linked loan for their family home. He took on a variety of jobs and worked as a bartender for a year and a half. He loved to train children, but he had little opportunity to do so in Hungary. He was fired from the gymnastics club in Sopron. He toured as a trainer in Switzerland, Iceland, and most recently in Austria.
“It’s not easy for someone to be with me. But I’m not a dangerous person, I just don’t like pointless and stupid things,” said the gymnast, who many considered stubborn.
He also experienced crises in his private life. His first wife gave birth to a daughter, who is now 23 years old (Simona) and lives in Dublin. He lived happily in his second marriage, raising two daughters with his partner, Judit: 16-year-old Kitti and 13-year-old Kincső.
Rest in peace, Champion!
Our previous article:
You make decisions in your Life, that are AGAINST – in this case, the Scientific Medical Profession, that remains unanimous – that Vaccination/Immunization – Saves Lives – that is your right.
The consequences of your Decision through your CHOICE – that you OWN and have no position of arguement – if as in the case of this individual – life is lost, that is through your Choice,Decision and Ownership.
Your choice – Decision & Ownership.
Vaccinated/Immunization – Saves Lives.
So, basicly, he died of Covid-19 because he decided to get vaccinated too late. Had he chosen to vaccinate earlier, he would have most likely caught the virus in a very mild way and would be alive and well.
Vaccines are generally safe, people die of Covid, not of vaccine.
There is no scientific proof that vaccines save lives. That is what the cowboys tell you, because thevaccines bring in lots of money for big pharma.
I have been through this before with the DNH (and the headline was subsequently corrected): people die ‘from’ or ‘of’ Covid, NOT ‘in’!!!!!!!!
So let me get this straight ….
He got the “bio weapon” in November 2021 as required – no specific date given in November – could be the 1 of the 31.
According to your first article dated 8 Dec 2021 he was in ICU by date of publication.
It also states that he had declined an interview on the 23 Nov 2021 due to ill health from CV 19 which the article states he caught 3 weeks prior to ICU … this takes us back to the 17 November 2021.
In other words … he caught CV 19 and received his vax in November. Was in ICU by 12 December 2021 and unfortunately died now in January.
So … If he received the vax after having caught the non-existent virus, he has some really idiotic doctors as you NEVER give a vax while ill and there is no way of saying which caused the most damage. If he received before he caught the virus … then the vax is NOT WORKING.
People need to seriously question this narrative. Please some critical thinking when reading these articles that are written to string you along. This one specifically was written as damage control. Stop consenting. PLEASE:
This story is full of holes that don’t add up. What I get from this article is that the man was just too famous to hide and somehow a concocted narrative is being put out there to make sense of his death. My guess is that despite his “stubbornness”, covid19 coercion in Austria made him get the jab, but because he obviously was hurt or made vulnerable by the vaccine, the old communist propaganda machine was reset in motion to fabricate timelines and now it turns out that he already had covid19 by the time he was vaccinated. Most likely he wasn’t even given alternative treatments such as ivermectin once he ended up in a ventilator.
To be the heirs of a former Soviet satellite regime, it appears that current Hungarian propagandists are not so talented.
In the US if you go to hospital for any reason- you are labeled Covid and the hospital gets thousands of dollars.
Maybe you can do a story on the 70 young ball players who were vaxed and dropped dead – many on video