7 must-try international bakeries in Budapest from around the world

You can discover 7 countries through different bakeries while not even leaving Budapest. Which one is your favourite? 🥐🥯🥨🇭🇺 #bakery #Budapest #Hungary #coffee #weekend #DailyNewsHungary

The capital of Hungary, located in the heart of Hungary, is home to many people from all over the world. Nothing shows this better than the fact that, without leaving Budapest, you can discover 7 countries through different bakeries.

The following compilation was based on the article published by funzine.hu.

France: Chez Matild

If you want to visit Matild, you have to come to Buda. Chez Matild is located at the foot of Gellért Hill, on a quiet side street, close to Móricz Zsigmond Square. If we talk about France, we can expect Matild to enchant us with its croissants, silky coffees, and traditional French pastries. In their regular offer, there are always madeleines, pain au chocolat, but you can also have a good few slices of the French almond cake, Galette de rois.

1118 Budapest, Ménesi út 82.

Chez Matild
Photo: Facebook.com/chezmatild

Scandinavia: Anton

Anton on Bródy Sándor Street brings the typical atmosphere of the Palace District, while at the same time guiding us to Scandinavia. It is definitely worth getting to know the Swedish favourite, kanelbullar, which is an eye-catching bread made with cinnamon swirls and sourdough. And what is it that you definitely cannot miss from what is on offer in such a bakery? Of course, it is their excellent coffee.

1088 Budapest, Bródy Sándor u. 23/a

Photo: Facebook.com/antoncoffeeandbakery/

Portugal: Lisboa Pastry & Bakery

Located in Gozsdu udvar, the city’s first and only Portuguese bakery, Lisboa Pastry & Bakery on Holló Street, is the real deal if you want to experience the traditional Portuguese lifestyle in the company of a strong coffee and a bite of sweet pastry. What you should definitely try: specially spiced sourdough breads, almond croissants, burnt Basque cheesecake, and the most famous Portuguese dessert, Pastel de nata.

1075 Budapest, Holló utca 12.

Pasta del nata
Photo: Facebook.com/lisboapastry/

Russia: Cake & More by Garannikova

This place is a little bit of an exception on our list, as they are mostly into sweet stuff, but the good news is that in 2022, it is completely enough to visit Terézváros to taste the masterpieces of this confectionery team from Siberia. Cake & More by Garannikova on Podmaniczky Street presents the finest of Russia, such as fabulous cakes and pastries. In addition to their unbeatable éclair doughnuts, cakes called ‘Kyiv’ and the ‘Wealth of Siberia’ should not be missed out on.

1064 Budapest, Podmaniczky u. 81.

Cake & More
Photo: Facebook.com/bygarannikova

Mexico: Tortuga and Pohánka

A colourful cavalcade of Mexican, international & Hungarian bakery products. Péter, a local man, and Karen, originally a teacher committed to baking, brought their knowledge and many recipes from Mexico to amaze the Hungarian audience with their joint craft bakery. Although there are also Hungarian or French-origin products available, perhaps we do not have to say that it is worth getting lost in the multicultural opportunities provided by this bakery.
1077 Budapest, Wesselényi utca 64.

Photo: Facebook.com/tortugapohanka

Iran: Iran cukrászda (Iran patisserie)

Maybe this is the most surprising place making it to the list, but once you have tried it, you will never forget it. The Iranian patisserie can be found in the ‘Party district’, which, contrary to its name, also has plenty of bakery products as well. Do not miss out on the saffron baklava!

1072 Budapest, Nagy Diófa u. 30-32.

Photo: Facebook.com/Iran-cukr%C3%A1zda-339084550213542

Ireland: Arán bakery

Kinga and Attila’s bakery, the idea of ​​aran bakery, was born during the years they spent in Ireland. The classic Irish roots are available not only in what is on offer in the bakeries in Buda and Pest but also in the name of the bakery, as the word “aran” means bread in Irish. The heart and soul of their bread, their sourdough, could not have been born elsewhere than in Dublin. In addition to sourdough breads, of course, locally made Irish delicacies are also on offer.

1077 Budapest, Wesselényi utca 23.
1117 Budapest, Móricz Zsigmond körtér 16/a

Photo: Facebook.com/aranbakerymoricz

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